Peng Wang
Baidu Research
Peng, Wang is a research scientist in Baidu USA LLC. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in University of California, Los Angeles, advised by Prof. Alan Yuille. Before that, he received his B.S. and M.S. from Peking University, China. His research interest is image parsing and 3D understanding, and vision based autonomous driving system. He has around 20 published papers in ECCV/CVPR/ICCV/NIPS.

Ruigang Yang
Baidu/University of Kentucky
Ruigang, Yang is the chief scientist for 3D vision at Baidu. He is also a full professor at the University of Kentucky (on leave). His research interests include 3D computer vision and 3D computer graphics, in particular 3D modeling and 3D data analysis. He has published over 100 papers with an H-index of 48. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE T-PAMI. He has been a program co-chair for 3DIMPVT (now 3DV) 2011 and WACV 2014, and he has been area chairs for both ICCV and CVPR multiple times. He most recently organized a workshop on 3D sensing and understanding with both audio and video at ICCV 2015.

Andreas Geiger
Andreas, Geiger (MPI/ETH-Zurich) is a Max Planck Research Group Leader at the MPI for Intelligent Systems in Tu ̈bingen and a Visiting Professor at ETH Zu ̈rich. His research interests are at the intersection of 3D reconstruction, 3D motion estimation and visual scene understanding with a particular focus on integrating rich prior knowledge and deep learning for improving perception in intelligent systems. In 2012, he has published the KITTI vision benchmark suite which has become one of the most influential test beds for evaluating stereo, optical flow, scene flow, detection, tracking, motion estimation and segmentation algorithms. He also serves as an area chair and associate editor for the most important computer vision conferences and journals (CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, PAMI, IJCV).

Hongdong Li
Australian National University
Hongdong, Li (Australian National University) a leading researcher in the field of 3D com- puter vision, non-rigid structure from motion, and dynamic scene visual understanding. He had worked on several autonomous vehicle projects including two funded by one of the biggest automobile manufacturers. He was an associate researcher working on the “Australia Bionic Eyes” project. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE T-PAMI. He has many conference orga- nization experience in the past: he was an Area Chair for several recent ICCV, ECCV and CVPR conferences. He served program co-chair for ACRA 2015 – Australia Conference on Robotics and Automation, Program Co-Chair for IEEE-DICTA 2017, and will be the Pro- gram Co-Chair for ACCV 2018 – Asian Conference on Computer Vision, as well as several workshops and tutorials at both ICCV and ACCV. He is in Program Committee for CAR- SUAD—5th workshop on Computer Vision for Road Scene Understanding and Autonomous Driving at ICCV 2017.

Alan Yuille
John Hopkins University
Alan, Yuille is currently the Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Cognitive Science and Computer Science at Johns Hopkins University. He is a Fellow of IEEE. His research interests include computational models of vision, mathematical models of cognition, medical image analysis, and artificial intelligence and neural networks. He has published over 300 papers with an h-index of 85. He has won numerous awards, including the Marr Prize ICCV 2003 and Helmholtz Test of Time Award 2013.